RJ pioneer Howard Zehr addressing audience during a visit with C4RJ (left); annual visit of Nigerian Judges organized by the UMass Center for Peace, Democracy and Development (center); School Climate Specialist, Nancy Riestenberg, at a C4RJ (right).

Resource Library

Even the most astute scholars have trouble keeping up with the prolific literature now in the field. Here, we offer you a few leads if you’re eager to learn more. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need more help or direction. Some of the resources listed are available for loan from the C4RJ library.

Advocacy Materials

See Section 276B, "Restorative Justice," enacted in Massachusetts on April 13, 2018
as part of the Act Relative to Criminal Justice Reform.

Books & Articles

Valandra E. C., Wapȟáha Hokšíla W. (2020). Colorizing restorative justice: Voicing Our Realities 

Alarid, L. F. & Montemayor, C. D. (2012). Implementing restorative justice in police departments. Police Practice and Research, 13(5), 450–463.

Alexander, Michelle, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (New York: The New Press, 2010).

Amstutz, Lorraine Stutzman, The Little Book of Victim Offender Conferencing, Bringing Victims and Offenders Together in Dialogue. Good Books, 2009.

Amstutz, L. S., & Mullet, J. H. (2015). The little book of restorative discipline for schools: Teaching responsibility, creating caring climates. New York, NY: Good Books.

Cayley, David. The Expanding Prison: the Crisis in Crime and Punishment and the Search for Alternatives. House of Anansi Press, 2000.

Hadley, Michael L. The Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice. State University of New York Press, 2001.

Hines, D., & Bazemore, G. (2003). Restorative policing, conferencing and community. Police Practice and Research, 4(4), 1-1.

Hopkins, B. (2004). Just schools: A whole school approach to restorative justice. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Hoyle, C. (n.d.). Policing and restorative justice. Handbook of Restorative Justice.

Johnstone, G. (2011). Restorative justice: Ideas, values debates. 2. ed.-London: Routledge.

Johnstone, G., & W., V. N. (2011). Handbook of restorative justice. London: Routledge.

Katz, J. and Bonham, G. 2009. Effective alternatives to incarceration: Police collaborations with corrections and communities, Washington, DC: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.

MacRae, A. A., & Zehr, H. (n.d.). The little book of family group conferences. Intercourse, PA: Good Books.

McCold, Paul. Restorative Justice International. 2016. White Paper on Restorative Policing.

Mika, H. (2002). Taking victims and their advocates seriously: A listening project (Rep.). Akron, PA: Mennonite Central Committee Office on Crime and Justice.

Minow, M. (2009). Between vengeance and forgiveness: Facing history after genocide and mass violence. Boston: Beacon Press.

Porter, Thomas, “Mass Incarceration, The Jurisprudence of Retributive Justice, and the Theology of a Retributive God:  The Responds of Restorative Justice,” lecture given at Case Western Law School, 2014.

Porter, Thomas, Review of The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander, and The Collapse of American Criminal Justice by William Stuntz, BTI Magazine, Number 11.2, Spring 2012

Pranis, K. (2005). The little book of circle processes: A new/old approach to peacemaking. Intercourse, PA: Good Books.

Ross, R. (2016). Returning to the teachings: Exploring Aboriginal justice. Vancouver, B.C.: Langara College.

Sawatsky, J. (2009). The ethic of traditional communities and the spirit of healing justice: Studies from Hollow Water, the Iona Community, and Plum Village. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Stuntz, W. J. (2013). The collapse of American criminal justice. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Umbreit, M. S., & Armour, M. P. (2011). Restorative justice dialogue: An essential guide for research and practice. New York: Springer Pub.

Zehr, H. (2016). The little book of restorative justice. Vancouver, B.C.: Langara College.

Zehr, H. (2015). Changing lenses: Restorative justice for our times. Harrisonburg, VA: Herald Press.

Zehr, H., & Toews, B. (2010). Critical issues in restorative justice. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publ.

Zehr, H. (2001). Transcending: Reflections Of Crime Victims. Good Year Books.


Beyond Conviction, DVD, 97 minutes (2006). An eye-opening look at a pioneering justice program in which victims of violent crimes meet face-to-face with their perpetrators. The film follows three pairs of survivors and perpetrators as they go through this emotionally intense program. A rare glimpse into the lingering pain, questions and regrets for both sides as well as the bold path to better understanding. A preview trailer is available here.

Burning Bridges, DVD, 35 minutes. A documentary about the arson of Mood’s Bridge, an historic covered bridge in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, USA, and the restorative conference held in its wake. A preview is available here.

The Neuroscience of Restorative Justice, Daniel Reisel. A TED Talk given in February 2013. Reisel studies the brains of criminal psychopaths (and mice) in the UK. And he asks a big question: Instead of warehousing these criminals, shouldn’t we be using what we know about the brain to help them rehabilitate? Put another way: If the brain can grow new neural pathways after an injury … could we help the brain re-grow morality? Mention of restorative justice around the 11:07 mark.

Why Me is a UK-based, victim-driven organization seeking to promote the use of restorative justice in criminal matters. Click here for a powerful ten-minute video of the founder, Will Riley, and the man who broke into his home, Peter Woolf.


Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University

Virginia Center for Restorative Justice

Howard Zehr Personal Blog on Restorative Justice Topics

International Institute for Restorative Practices

Restorative Justice Council (UK)

Victim Offender Mediation Association (archive site)