C4RJ Board President Margot Fleischman and Police Chief Frederick Ryan (Arlington) addressing the audience at C4RJ's 2016 Expanding the Circle Benefit Event (left); Representative Ken Gordon, Senator Jamie Eldridge, C4RJ Executive Director Erin Freeborn, and Representative Sean Garballey at C4RJ's 2018 Expanding the Circle Benefit Event (right).

What’s New

Restorative Justice Legislation

This is a historic moment for restorative justice in Massachusetts. On April 13th, 2018, Governor Baker signed legislation implementing criminal justice reforms. The restorative justice legislation that C4RJ has been working on with Senator Eldridge and Representative Garballey is part of the act, and creates:

  1. A restorative justice option for cases that are past arraignment in the criminal courts;
  2. An Advisory Committee comprised of both system stakeholders and restorative justice practitioners to tackle questions like data tracking, future funding and best practices; and,
  3. A confidentiality provision for victims and offenders in the restorative process.

To read the enacted language, scroll down to Chapter 276B: Restorative Justice.

Governor Baker signing An Act Relative to Criminal Justice Reform, April 13th, 2018.