Quarterly meeting of C4RJ's Police Council (left); C4RJ Police Chiefs and Police Department liaisons (center); Arlington Police Chief Frederick Ryan and C4RJ Executive Director Erin Freeborn training new volunteers (right).

The Officer’s Role

What does an officer do in C4RJ’s process?

Before the circle

  • The officer will provide the incident report or equivalent for referral documentation.
  • The officer will provide C4RJ staff or case coordinator with any pertinent, additional information about the parties that may inform the circle.

During the circle

  • The officer will introduce himself/herself.
  • The officer will provide information about the offense and what the penalties could be if the case were prosecuted. If the officer in the circle is the officer who was on the scene, s/he might wish to describe what s/he observed about the behavior of the parties.
  • The officer can offer ideas when participants develop the restorative agreement by which the offender will address the needs of the victim and the community. 

Between the opening and closing circles

C4RJ personnel will keep the officer informed about how the offender is doing in meeting his/her obligations, especially if there are any problems. If the offender is slipping in repair obligations, the officer may be called upon to help uphold our ARC Policy.

Closing circle

As a circle participant, the officer can ask questions about what the offender has done and learned and support the victim in voicing any remaining concerns.